

For COVID - 19更新, please click below.




The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a task force of 教职员工 他们定期召开会议,通过以下方式促进学生、教师和员工的成功和校园安全:

  • 为表现出可能的破坏性或暴力行为的早期预警迹象的个人提供支持和干预
  • 协调对自然、卫生和人为灾害的反应
  • 就支持健康的问题提供咨询和教育, 福利, and safety of the Alliant community

BIT成员由主席挑选,为团队带来各种技能和观点, which helps ensure that the BITs efforts are well-informed, 适当的, 并符合大学的价值观和对安全的承诺.

报告的行为  报告COVID-19

或致电举报电话 (858) 635-4014

相信你的直觉. If you see someone who is potentially in distress, report it.  在此期间, 如果你有关于COVID-19潜在传染的信息, please report using the COVID-19 link.

The BIT’s goal is to successfully engage, 支持, 并通过尽早干预来减少担忧. 实现这一目标需要包括Alliant社区所有成员在内的协调一致的机构反应.


任何Alliant社区的成员都可以在任何时候通过在线发送BIT报告 BIT申报表格 or by leaving a message on our BIT phone line.

相信你的直觉. If you see someone who is potentially in distress, report it.


Examples of behaviors that may be signs of distress:

  • 课堂中断
  • 有吸毒或酗酒嫌疑
  • 威胁性言语或行为
  • Self-injurious behavior, such as cutting or burning
  • Threatening postings on social media
  • 旷课过多
  • Suicidality including threats, gestures, or attempts
  • Acts motivated by hatred or discrimination
  • 偏执
  • 跟踪
  • 暴力的关系
  • 欺凌
  • Flat affect or extreme lack of responsiveness
  • 骚扰
  • 学习成绩的变化
  • 破坏性或令人不安的行为
  • Dramatic changes in appearance, behavior or weight
  • Problems at home, with classes or work
  • 戏剧性的情绪变化
  • 孤立的行为
  • Frequently angry or easily frustrated
  • 与健康问题作斗争

这个列表并不详尽. 如果你看到任何你认为可能有遇险迹象的东西, 相信你的直觉并报告它.

报告事项:与covid -19相关

An Individual who have been on campus within 14 days and has:

  • Been confirmed tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
  • Symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
  • 与COVID-19(冠状病毒)确诊患者有直接接触


Providing as much factual information as possible is critical.  BIT的有效性取决于获得尽可能全面的报告.

Please ensure that your report includes the following:

  • 学生,教师或工作人员的姓名和身份证号码(如果知道).
  • A factual description of the incident or behavior.
  • 直接引用,只要可能.
  • Where and when the incident or behavior occurred.
  • Names and contact information of witnesses.
  • Your name, position and complete contact information.
  • Any emails or other information you have.
  • 录音、短信和/或电子邮件的副本,如果有的话.

想报告什么吗?? 使用上面的按钮,或 点击此链接.



只要你认为有任何自杀的威胁,你就应该拨打911, 暴力, 或者其他违法行为. Any threat of 暴力 should be taken seriously. 相信你的直觉 and err on the side of caution.


It is important to take every disruptive behavior seriously, 并通过清除来干预, 合理的, and behaviorally-anchored expectations for performance. It is also important to report any disruptive incident immediately; the individual may be engaging in similar behavior in other contexts, 一种不良行为模式可能已经在你不知情的情况下发生了.


教师和工作人员有权阻止捣乱的学生干涉他们的教学权利和其他学生的学习权利. 为此目的, 教师和工作人员可能会要求学生避免在教室或办公室的某些行为, require a student to meet with them or, 在必要的时候, ask a disruptive student to leave the classroom or office area. 任何需要学生离开班级或办公室的行为都应该报告给北京理工学院团队.

